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How to Use Dropbox?

I want to share another tool called Dropbox, which is very helpful to me as a Virtual Assistant.

Dropbox syncs files online to your local Computer. It means, you can transfer files to your local computer even if you are hundreds of miles away to your office, but provided you have an internet connection.
Sync what??? 
Ok let’s explain this piece by piece.
Let’s say you’re working on an onshore site or perhaps you are on vacation in the Philippines, specifically in the beautiful island called Cebu (no bias,I’m from Cebu). 

You’re in the middle of your enjoyment then unexpectedly your phones rings, an assistant asking for a customer files (orders) and if you cannot send her the files right away you will lose $1 million every 2 hours.

Fortunately, you found out that the files were saved in your laptop. But the problem is how are you going to send an 80 GB file? You can’t attach that large amount of file and send it through email.

But luckily you have a Dropbox account and you have installed Dropbox on your office computer. So you just find an internet connection for your laptop and Log in to your Dropbox account and upload all the needed files. Dropbox will then gradually transfer your 80 GB file to your Office computer. Sync means synchronization of data. So whatever you uploaded in your dropbox online account, it will also appear to your local computer.

 Dropbox save the day!!! It’s amazing, isn’t it?
Dropbox is also very useful when you are working in different sites. For instance, you are working on 3 countries and travels often. But you are the kind of person that hates carrying a laptop or a storage device for your files.

So all you need to do is to install Dropbox on your computers in each office (country), upload your files on Dropbox, and then you can work on any of the 3 offices because you have all the files needed. Sounds good ha!

Click here this link to create an account
How to Use Dropbox


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