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How to Share Documents Effectively Using Google Docs?

Usually, we share documents through email but this often leads to problem such as listed below:

1. Cannot attach big files.
2. Lost or delayed emails.
3. Unreadable attachments.
4. Confusing document versions.
5. Lost data integrity.

These are some of the common problems that you and I have probably encountered using emails as a medium of sharing documents. But since the birth of Google Docs these problems seems to be not an issue anymore.

How Google Docs Work? 

Google Docs provide a storage place where you can put all your documents. Since it is online you can access it anywhere, anytime provided you have internet connection. You can share your documents to others by just giving them the link through email or chat. You can also set restriction to your documents. This means that you can select few people whom you trusted to edit your documents. Others will have view-only, they can view the document but they can't edit it.

Google Docs is really helpful when it comes to team collaboration. Instead of exchanging emails with documents attached on it, the team members can access directly the document and work on it at the same time. With Google Docs, less hassle more efficiency.

Get the detailed procedure on the presentation below on how to share documents using Google Docs.

How Share Documents Effectively Use Google Docs


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