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How to Protect Your Computer from Spywares?

Spybot is just another tool I learned during my Virtual Assistants Training in the Philippines. This is a freeware designed to detect and remove spywares which are very rampant in the web today. Spyware silently tracks your surfing behavior to create a marketing profile for you that is transmitted without your knowledge to the compilers and sold to advertising companies.

Months ago, I received an email from an unknown company offering a discount for a malicious product. I wonder how they get my email. My friend’s PC often shutdowns itself even there is no power failure. Worst case is when they hijack your email account and use it for their advantage. 

These are just example of spyware infections and some of it symptoms are hardly noticeable. 

To get rid of these spywares, you must install anti-spyware just like Spybot and scan your computer twice a month.Now you might be asking this question “Why I still need to have Spybot while I already have an anti-virus? The answer is, hybrid spywares are not easily detected by an ordinary anti-virus, so to be safe better have an anti-virus plus Spybot to have double protection on your computer.

Please find below the step by step procedure on how to install and use Spybot Search and Destroy.

How to Use Spybot Search and Destroy


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